About - Mindfulness


True Developments approach to awareness training and coaching is based on Mindfulness. Mindfulness is a way of focussing your awareness in the moment on your emotions, beliefs and actions. The question might arise: why is this beneficial?

Pay attention to your breath! We mostly run our lives on autopilot. Enhanced awareness leads to greater possibility of choice. Conscious choice gives you greater influence over your subsequent actions. The autopilot is disengaged. This allows you to achieve greater productivity and less habitual reactivity to for example tense situations or even your own thought patterns.

Although assumed to be subject to our conscious control, most of the time our minds are easily distracted habitually shuttling between the past and future. Little time is actually spent living aware in the present moment. Yet, only when we are fully present in the moment we can optimize our capacity to:

  • Direct and sustain our attention; that is focus and concentrate
  • Slow down or stop the cascade of our automatic and habitual reactions
  • Listen deeply to ourselves and others and thereby understand situations more clearly
  • Be open to creativity beyond conditioning
  • Respond effectively to complex and/or emotionally charged situations
  • Achieve balance and resilience in our professional and personal lives
  • Act intelligently with kindness, compassion and clarity
  • Relax effectively both mentally, emotionally and physically.

How is your breath right now? On one hand Mindfulness is a practice, a scientifically examined approach to cultivating awareness by which the very structure and function of the brain is changed in a way that enhance our experience of clarity, calmness and multiple intelligence. On the other hand it is an innate human capacity to stay aware that allows us to be fully present to our life and work.

Knowing these benefits of staying aware in the present moment makes it worth practicing. Explore for yourself and see what you experience!

Read more on how Mindfulness practice can be applied to work-life.

Your Inner Stability...

... how do you find it?

Program in Swedish starting in
November 2022! Warmly welcome!

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... there are many opportunities!

Check them out (in Swedish)!
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... from customers, clients and course participants!

Read here - what others say about us (in Swedish)!

Mindfulness at the work-place!

Here you find an information brochure (in Swedish)!

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Discover for yourself the strength,
ease and wisdom revealed within you!

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